Thursday, November 25, 2010

Perfect Mashed Potatoes

We made like 10 lb.. of potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner for about 17 people and we have probably half of the bowl left over. I guess we are going to be eating mashed potatoes for like a month straight ...

My deluxe mashed-potato makin' tool.

Perfect Mashed Potatoes (serves 4-6)
2 lb. Yukon Gold Potatoes (they are the best for mashed potatoes)
1 cup milk
1/4 cup cold butter
Salt (I just keep adding salt at the end until it tastes good)

  1. Peel and cut potatoes into chunks. You want the chunks uniform in size so the cooking time is even.
  2. Place potatoes in a large saucepan or pot. Cover potatoes with water.
  3. Bring to a boil over high heat then reduce heat to medium and allow to simmer uncovered.
  4. Mix occasionally so the potatoes get evenly cooked.
  5. Cook until a knife or fork slips in easily about 20-30 min.
  6. Warm milk on stove over medium heat or in the microwave.
  7. Cut up butter into small pieces and place in serving bowl.
  8. I use a potato ricer so that they are extra smooth to mash them but you can use an electric mixer, hand masher, Kitchen-aid, etc.
  9. Mix potatoes with butter. Add milk in a slow stream and mix. Add salt until it reaches desired amount.
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